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Dołączył: 09 Lut 2007
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Skąd: Łódź
Wto 12:51, 20 Mar 2007 |
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Taka podpowiedź kiedy działa a kiedy nie działa. Może jeszcze nie wszyscy to wszystko wiedzą.
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Fresh Meat

Dołączył: 19 Mar 2007
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Wto 16:18, 20 Mar 2007 |
Hm... ja bym chciał zwrócić na coś uwagę, jeżeli tworzysz temat, to ten temat powinien zawierać jakąś treść, a nie link i mało zrozumiały komentarz. Do tego link do "konkurencyjnego" forum, za co na niektórych forach są warny.
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Dołączył: 04 Gru 2006
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Skąd: Szczecin/Poznań
Wto 17:00, 20 Mar 2007 |
Dota-allstars nie jest żadnym konkurencyjnym forum. Nasze forum nie jest żadną konkurencją dla tamtego. To forum ma służyć Polakom, ponieważ nie wszyscy radzą sobie dobrze z angielskim, który jest uniwersalnym językiem DotA. Dlatego zastanawiam się, na ile jest sens zamieszczania linków do forum w nowym temacie - jak ktoś nie zna angielskiego, to mu to nic nie pomoże, a jeśli zna, to znajdzie sobie to i tak. To tylko taka ogólna refleksja.
Jeżeli chcesz poruszyć jakiś problem to zrób to, napisz coś o tym a potem ewentualnie wklejaj link. Zakładanie tematu w taki sposób nie wpływa korzystnie na rozwój ewentualnej dyskusji.
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Dołączył: 09 Lut 2007
Posty: 524
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Pomógł: 11 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Łódź
Wto 18:05, 20 Mar 2007 |
Zamieściłem to tylko w celach informacyjnych. Kiedyś szukałem na tym forum informacji o linkenie a tu nie ma, więc jak w końcu gdzieś znalazłem to pomyślałem że się tym podzielę, bo może ktoś jeszcze będzie szukał.
A co do tematu to zdziwiło mnie trochę że np. linken działa jak ma się dostać basha z bashera range i że w ogóle są spelle które aktywują cooldown linkena a i tak działają, np spectral dagger
btw. tam po angielsku trzeba rozumieć tylko YES i NO
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Dołączył: 03 Lut 2006
Posty: 759
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Skąd: Częstochowa
Czw 19:13, 12 Kwi 2007 |
Nie każdy ma konto na dota-allstars, więc lepiej skopiuj tekst z tamtego forum i napisz kto jest jego autorem.
Post został pochwalony 0 razy

Dołączył: 09 Lut 2007
Posty: 524
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 11 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/5
Skąd: Łódź
Czw 19:17, 12 Kwi 2007 |
Wedle woli admina:
Linken's Sphere Guide, A list of what it blocks by Allure
"For DotA Allstars v6.41 by NekoChanX Allure- @ DotA-Allstars.com
IMPORTANT - Copying of this guide is fine by me as long as CREDIT IS GIVEN.
Questions have been asked several times about what Linken's does and does not block so I shall gather what I know and put them in a list according to the heroes and their spells.
Use Ctrl + F to search for the hero whose skills you are inquiring about. Example, Ctrl + F obsidian.
Yes = Linken's activates and spell does not take effect.
No = Linken's does not activate.
1* = Only if the hero targets you. (such as in Forked Lightning)
2* = Triggers linkens cooldown and spell still has its effect.
3* = Triggers linkens cooldown and spell has the first cast of its effect nullified.
All the information below has been tested and proved to be correct.
If any mistakes are found please pm me with the replay involving the spell's effect on Linken's Sphere.
Items and Neutral Creeps section will be introduced to the guide soon.
Luna Moonfang, Moon Rider
Lucent Beam = Yes
Moon Glaive = No
Lunar Blessing = No
Eclipse = 3*
Kardel Sharpeye, Dwarven Sniper
Scattershot = No
Headshot = Yes
Take Aim = No
Assassinate = Yes
Jah'Rakal, Troll Warlord
Berserker rage = No
Blind = Yes
Fervor = No
Rampage = No
Rhasta, Shadow Shaman
Forked Lightning = 1*
Voodoo = Yes
Hero Shackles = Yes
Mass Serpent Wards = No
Rigwarl, Bristleback
Viscous Nasal Goo = 2*
Quill Spray = No
Bristleback = No
Warpath = No
Mangix, Pandaren Battlemaster
Thunder Clap = No
Drunken Haze = Yes
Drunken Brawler = No
Primal Split = No
Primal Split Pandas
Taunt = No
Cyclone = Yes
Hurl Boulder = Yes
Bradwarden, Centaur Warchief
Hoof Stomp = No
Double Edge = Yes
Return = No
Great Fortitude = No
Gondar, Bounty Hunter
Shuriken Toss = Yes
Jinada = No
Wind Walk = No
Track = Yes
Knight Davion, Dragon Knight
Breathe Fire = No
Dragon Tail = Yes
Dragon Blood = No
Elder Dragon Form = No
Magina, Anti-Mage
Mana Break = No
Blink = No
Spell Shield = No
Mana Void = Stun is nullified, damage still taken, c/d triggers
Traxex, Drow Ranger
Frost Arrows = No
Silence = No
Trueshot Aura = No
Marksmanship = No
Purist Thunderwrath, Omniknight
Purification = No
Repel = No
Degen Aura = No
Guardian Angel = No
Shendelzare Silkwood, Vengeful Spirit
Magic Missile = Yes
Terror = No
Command Aura = No
Nether Swap = 2*
Zeus, Lord of Olympia
Arc Lightning = Yes
Lightning Bolt = Yes
Static Field = No
Thundergod's Wrath = Yes
Aiushtha, Enchantress
Impetus = No
Enchant = Yes
Nature's Attendants = No
Untouchable = Yes
Waveform = No
Adaptive Strike AGI = 2*
Adaptive Strike STR = 2*
Morph = No
Replicate = Yes
Rylai Crestfall, Crystal Maiden
Frost Nova = Yes
Frost Bite = Yes
Brilliance Aura = No
Freezing Field = No
Sven, Rogueknight
Storm Bolt = Yes
Great Cleave = No
Toughness Aura = No
God's Strength = No
Slithice, Naga Siren
Mirror Image = No
Ensnare = No
Critical Strike = No
Song of the Siren = Yes
Raigor Stonehoof, Earthshaker
Fissure = 1* and unpathable terrain still occurs
Enchant Totem = No
Aftershock = No
Echo Slam = No
Rikimaru, Stealth Assassin
Smoke Screen = No
Blink Strike = No
Backstab = No
Permanent Invisiblity = No
Lina Inverse, Slayer
Dragon Slave = No
Light Strike Array = No
Ultimate = No
Laguna Blade = Yes
Syllabear, Lone Druid
Summon Spirit Bear = No
Rabid = No
Synergy = No
True Form = No
Syllabear's Spirit Bear
Entangle = Yes
Yurnero, Juggernaut
Blade Fury = No
Healing Ward = No
Blade Dance = No
Omnislash = 2*
Nortrom, Silencer
Curse of the Silent = Yes
Glaives of Wisdom = No
Last word = 2*
Global Silence = No
Rooftrellen, Treant Protector
Nature's Guise = No
Eyes in the Forest = No
Living Armor = No
Overgrowth = Yes
Darchrow, Enigma
Malefice = Damage on first stun is blocked, stun still takes effect, remaining stuns continue, c/d triggers
Conversion = No
Midnight Pulse = No
Black Hole = No
Ezalor, Keeper of the Light
Illuminate Indirect = No
Illuminate Direct = 2*
Mana Leak = Yes
Chakra Magic = No
Ignis Fatuus = No
Ulfsaar/Fuzzy Wuzzy, Ursa Warrior
Earthshock = No
Overpower = No
Fury Swipes = No
Enrage = No
Aggron Stonebreaker, Ogre Magi
Fireblast = Yes
Ignite = Yes
Bloodlust = No
Multicast = No
Ogre Magi Multicast
Fireblast = 3*
Ignite Direct = Yes
Ignite Indirect = Yes
Boush, Tinker
Laser = Miss chance is blocked, damage goes through, c/d triggers
Heat Seeking Missile = No
March of the Machines = No
Rearm = No
Furion, Prophet
Sprout = 2*
Teleportation = No
Force of Nature = No
Wrath of Nature = Damage will be blocked, further bounces (if any) continues
Azwraith, Phantom Lancer
Spirit Lance = Slow is blocked, damage goes through, c/d triggers
Doppelwalk = No
Juxtapose = No
Phantom Edge = No
Tiny, Stone Giant
Avalanche = No
Toss = 2*
Craggy Exterior = Yes
Grow = No
Squee And Spleen, Techies
Land Mines = No
Statis Trap = No
Suicide Squad, Attack! = No
Remote Mines = No
Chen, Holy Knight
Penitence = Yes
Test of Faith = 2*
Holy Persuasion = No
Hand of God = No
Rexxar, Beastmaster
Wild Axes = No
Beast Rage = No
Call of the Wild = No
Primal Roar Direct = Stun and damage nullified, slowed, c/d triggers
Primal Roar Indirect = No
Jakiro, Twin Head Dragon
Dual Breath = Slow from ice portion nullified, damage from ice and fire and dps from fire goes through, c/d triggers
Icy Path = 2*
Auto Fire = No
Macropyre = No
Razzil Darkbrew, Alchemist
Acid Spray = No
Unstable Concoction = Yes
Goblin's Greed = No
Chemical Rage = No
Mirana Nightshade, Priestess of the Moon
Starfall = No
Elunes Arrow = Stun is blocked, damage goes through, c/d triggers
Leap = No
Moonlight Shadow = No
Medusa, Gorgon
Split Shot = No
Chain Lightning = Yes
Mana Shield = No
Purge = Yes
Balanar, Night Stalker Day
Void = Yes
Crippling Fear = Yes
Hunter in the Night = No
Darkness = No
Night Stalker Night
Void = Mini-stun and slow nullified, damage goes through, c/d triggers
Crippling Fear = Yes
Hunter in the Night = No
Darkness = No
King Leoric, Skeleton King
Storm Bolt = Yes
Vampiric Aura = No
Critical Strike = No
Reincarnation = No
Lucifer, Doom Bringer
Devour = No
Scorched Earth = No
Lvl? Death = Yes
Lvl? Death w Factor = 3*
Doom = Yes
Anub'Arak, Nerubian Assasin
Impale = 1*
Mana Burn = Yes
Spiked Carapace = No
Vendetta = No
Slardar, Slithereen Guard
Sprint = No
Slithereen Crush = No
Bash = No
Amplify Damage = Yes
Akasha, Queen of Pain
Shadow Strike = Yes
Blink = No
Scream of Pain = No
Sonic Wave = No
Bone Clinkz, Bone Fletcher
Strafe = No
Searing Arrows = No
Wind Walk = No
Death Pact = No
Breaking out of Wind Walk with attack = Yes
Darkterror, Faceless Void
Time Walk = No
Backtrack = No
Time Lock = No
Chronosphere = No
Viper, Netherdrake
Frenzy = No
Poison Attack = No
Corrosive Skin = No
Viper Strike = Yes
Razor, Lightning Revenant
Frenzy = No
Chain Lightning = Yes
Unholy Fervor = No
Storm Seeker = No
N'aix, Lifestealer
Feast = No
Poison Sting = No
Anabolic Frenzy = No
Rage = No
Terrorblade, Soul Keeper
Soul Steal = Yes
Conjure Image = No
Metamorphosis = No
Sunder = 2*
Leshrac, Tormented Soul
Split Earth = No
Diabolic Edict = No
Lightning Storm = Yes
Pulse Nova = No
Kel'Thuzad, Lich
Frost Nova = Yes
Frost Armor = No
Dark Ritual = No
Chain Frost = Damage on first hit to yourself is blocked, bounces still occur.
Krobelus, Death Prophet
Carrion Swarm = No
Silence = No
Witchcraft = No
Exorcism = No
Lion, Demon Witch
Impale = 1*
Voodoo = Yes
Mana Drain = Yes
Finger of Death = Yes
Lesale Deathbringer, Venomancer
Shadow Strike = Yes
Poison Sting = No
Plague Ward = No
Poison Nova = No
Magnus, Magnataur
Shockwave = No
Empower = No
Mighty Swing = No
Reverse Polarity = No
Visage, Necro'lic
Grave Chill = Yes
Soul Assumption = No
Gravekeepers Cloak = No
Raise Revenants = No
Nessaj, Chaos Knight
Chaos Bolt = 0.1 mini-stun occurs, damage taken, c/d triggers - Main stun does not occur
Blink Strike = No
Critical Strike = No
Phantasm = No
Banehallow, Lycanthrope
Summon Wolves = No
Howl = No
Feral Heart = No
Shapeshift = No
Black Arachnia, Broodmother
Spawn Spiderlings = Yes
Spin Web = No
Incapacitating Bite = Yes
Insatiable Hunter = No
Mortred, Phantom Assasin
Shadow Strike = Yes
Blink Strike = No
Blur = No
Coup de Grace = No
Pugna, Oblivion
Nether Blast = No
Decrepify = Yes
Nether Ward = No
Life Drain = Yes
Pugna's Nether Ward
Mana Flare = Yes
Leviathan, Tidehunter
Anchor Smash = No
Gush = Slow and armor reduction blocked, damage goes through, c/d triggers
Kraken Shell = No
Ravage = No
Atropos, Bane Elemental
Enfeeble = Yes
Brain Sap = 2*
Nightmare = Yes
Fiends Grip = Yes
Rotund'jere, Necrolyte
Death Pulse = No
Diffusion Aura = No
Sadist = No
Reaper's Scythe = Stun is nullified, damage still taken, c/d triggers
Pudge, Butcher
Meat Hook Direct = 2*
Meat Hook Indirect = No
Rot = No
Flesh Heap = No
Dismember = Yes
Barathrum, Spiritbreaker
Charge of Darkness = 2*
Empowering Haste = No
Greater Bash = No
Nether Strike = 2*
Anub'Seran, Nerubian Weaver
Watcher = No
Shukuchi = No
Geminate Attack = No
Time Lapse = No
Breaking out of Shukuchi to attack = Yes
Nevermore, Shadow Fiend
Shadowraze = No
Necromastery = No
Presence of the Dark Lord = No
Requiem of Souls = Slow blocked, damage goes through, c/d triggers
Crixalis, Sand King
Burrowstrike Direct = 2*
Burrowstrike Indirect = No
Sand Storm = No
Caustic Finale = No
Epicenter = No
Mogul Kahn, Axe
Berserker's Call = No
Battle Hunger = Yes
Counter Helix = No
Culling Blade = Yes
Culling Blade within killing zone = No
Strygwyr, Bloodseeker
Bloodrage = Yes
Blood Bath = No
Strygwyr's Thirst = No
Rupture = 2*
Abaddon, Lord of Avernus
Death Coil = 2*
Aphotic Shield = 2*
Frostmourne = No
Borrowed Time = No
Mercurial, Spectre
Spectral Dagger Direct = 2*
Spectral Dagger Indirect = No
Desolate = No
Dispersion = Stun blocked, damage goes through, c/d triggers
Haunt = No
Vol'jin, Witch Doctor
Paralyzing Cask = 2*
Voodoo Restoration = No
Maledict = No
Death Ward = No
Harbinger, Obsidian Destroyer
Arcane Orb = No
Astral Imprisonment = 2*
Essence Aura = No
Sanitys Eclipse = No
Demnok Lannik, Warlock
Fatal Bonds = If he targets you, 2* // If he targets creeps and it bounces to you, no
Shadow Word = 2*
Upheaval = First "series" of slow is nullified, c/d triggers (If you don't understand just take it as 2*)
Rain of Chaos = No
Infernal = No
Infernal Immolation and Pulverise = No
Meepo, Geomancer
Earthbind = No
Poof = No
Geostrike = No
Divided We Stand = No
Dazzle, Shadow Priest
Poison Touch = First slow is nullified, the rest works as usual
Weave = 2*
Shadow Wave = No
Shallow Grave = No
Dagon = No
Purge (Diffusal Blade) = Yes
Hex (Guinsoo's Staff of Vyse) = Yes
Cyclone (Eul's Sceptre of Divinity) = Yes
Monkey King Bar (Ranged Mini-stun) = Yes
Monkey King Bar (Melee Mini-stun) = No
Cranium Basher (Ranged) = Yes
Cranium Basher (Melee) = No
Mana Burn (Necronomicon) = Yes
Last Will (Necronomicon) = No
Lothar's Edge on Melee = No
Attack in WW with Lothar's Edge on Melee = No
Lothar's Edge on Ranged = Yes
Attack in WW with Lothar's Edge on Ranged = Yes
Criticals on Ranged heroes = Yes
Criticals on Melee heroes = No
Static Charge (Mjollnir) = No
Orb Effects:
Chain Lightning (Maelstrom/Mjollnir) = Yes
Corruption (Stygian Desolator) = No
Maim (Sange) = Yes
Maim (Sange and Yasha) = Yes
Frost Effect (Eye of Skadi) = No
Neutral Creeps:
Purge (Small Satyr) = Yes
Mana Burn (Medium Satyr) = Yes
War Stomp (Big Furbolg) = No
War Stomp (Centaur Warchief) = No
Ice Breath (Dragonspawn) = No
Hurl Boulder (Roshan) = Yes
Thunder Clap (Roshan) = No
serados -=For testing out most of the spells with me, and hosting the games and additional improvements/typo fixes to the guide=-
Malle -=For uhm.... introducing the 1* 2* system to me (actually he didn't but I took his idea)=-
Virot2 -=For little tidbits of information now and then=-
#NOTD on Galaxynet IRC -=Several players from there helped me with some of the heroes=-
uh.. other people -=Who keep asking question about linkens and inspiring me to write this guide=-
This post has been edited by Allure-: Feb 11 2007, 05:41 PM"
Dobra robota - uber_pwn
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